BJJ Techniques: Mastering the Art of Ground Combat

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) is a dynamic martial art, rich in techniques that can be both defensive and offensive. As you delve deeper into your BJJ journey, you will discover a vast array of moves, each with its unique application and strategy. Here is a detailed look at some fundamental and advanced BJJ techniques.

1. Sweeps

Scissor Sweep: Imagine you're in the guard position, with your opponent between your legs. Using one leg as a fulcrum against their torso and the other to chop at their knee, you can off-balance and roll them, reversing your positions. It's like using a pair of scissors to cut through their base.

2. Passes

Torreando Pass: Picture this: your opponent is on their back, legs up, trying to keep you in their guard. With swift hand grips on their knees, you push their legs to one side, darting around to their side or taking the mount position. It's a dance, and you're leading.

3. Escapes

Bridge and Roll Escape from Mount: You're on your back, and your opponent is sitting on your chest in the mount position. Feel the weight, then explosively bridge your hips upwards. As they lose balance, grab one of their arms and roll them over, reversing the positions. It's like using the earth's momentum to your advantage.

4. Advanced Techniques

Berimbolo: This is a spinning move initiated from the De La Riva guard. Envision hooking one of your opponent's legs with your foot, then inverting and spinning underneath them, ending up taking their back. It's like a whirlwind, where you're the calm center.

5. Submissions

Kimura Lock: From the guard or top position, imagine isolating one of your opponent's arms, bending it behind their back, and gripping it with both hands. By applying pressure, you threaten the shoulder joint, compelling them to tap out. It's a move that showcases the power of leverage.

For those keen on expanding their repertoire, additional resources are available on platforms like YouTube and Instagram. Additionally you can purchase instructional videos on platforms like and you can also ask your professors and coaches for private classes which can be invaluable. Moreover, attending classes that focus on BJJ techniques for beginners can lay a solid foundation, while exploring advanced BJJ techniques can elevate one's game to new heights.

BJJ techniques are a blend of science and art. Each move, when executed with precision and understanding, can be a testament to the beauty of human movement and strategy in combat.


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